The benefits of doing nothing

 The benefits of doing nothing 

In this podcast Beth and Neil talk to us about the benefits of doing nothing

People think animals are always moving.

But most animals are busy doing nothing.

In the natural world, where finding food and shelter is a difficult task 

Why have some animals evolved without doing anything?

Is doing nothing also good for humans?

Lions can sleep up to 20 hours a day

Dan Charbonneau is an expert on insect behavior

Emily Knight is presenter of BBC's Naturebang

They will tell us about the lazy rock ant 

Dan believes ants are a symbol of work.

Ant colonies look like small, perfect societies where everyone works for the benefit of the group.

And then why are many of them inactive?

It may be because they are reserve ants, ready to intervene in case of a problem.

Wouldn't it be boring to sit all day?

Psychologist Sandi Mann believes that sitting all day can be productive

boredom also has its benefits

Psychologist Mann believes that boredom is the mother of invention

Instead of fearing boredom, we can open ourselves to its benefits

stopping worrying or thinking about something and relaxing

The animal that moves the slowest is the 3-toed sloth.






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